Since today is Valentine’s day, I want to dedicate this blog to love. I will tell you a love story but I bet it’s not what you’re thinking.
Once many years ago there was a young couple. They didn’t have much but they had each other and they were in love. They married and had their first baby girl. The baby fell severely ill when she was four months old. It was so bad that she was hospitalised for a month and the doctors were not giving her parents much hope. In fact, they told the family they should prepare for the worst.
Her mum and dad were out of their minds and could not believe they would lose their precious baby. Her mum hadn't left the hospital for a month and her dad was trying desperately to save their baby. Then a female doctor told them she wanted to try one last thing, a medication she thought would work but she could make no promises. Despondent the parents agreed as they loved her so much and they didn't want to give up. And the miracle happened.
The baby girl’s health started to slowly improve, she regained her strength and was soon released from the hospital. Her mum and dad were able to finally take her home healthy and smiling. And this girl grew up to become a strong, healthy woman who in fact, became an athlete later on.
Her parents’ love is what kept her alive as they refused to give up on their little girl. They say love makes the world go round. Well, I don’t know about that but it can surely work miracles. Love heals body and mind as long as you don’t give up on it.
Make sure your heart is open to receive love because it may come from places you won’t anticipate. And if you find yourself in despair, reach out to someone who loves you. Once you feel their love, you will gain the mental strength you need to overcome your difficulties. Love is life.

(The baby in the story was me: then and now!)